Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Sites that caught my eye recently...

I've gone through a down slump lately. Ucky weather + SAD + coming off effective/ineffective drugs + a cold = unhappy, to say the least. It's finally starting to ease, and I'm trying to re-focus my attentions to everything that got put on pause.

In order to try to incorporate this into a habit, I feel the need to post something, anything. Half an hour after I should be in bed is not the ideal time for a great post. So, in the meantime, some random sites I've come across lately and have been added to my "To Read" list.

First off: Sarah Hoffman , who wrote the essay "My son, the pink boy"

It is an awesome article that really opens up your eyes about parenting children who are different. She also mentions "My Son is Gay", which is also worth the read.

Next would be http://www.allmotivated.com/. I'm a fan of ICanHasCheezburger and this just seemed to expand on the idea of interesting photos with interesting captions.

Interesting cooking blogs that have caught my attention (besides my two long time favourites, Simply Recipes and 101 Cookbooks) have been:

- Tea & Cookies
- My Kitchen is Too Small (admittedly a start up by my friends, but I'm drooling. And pimping out my cheese-sauce making abilities to hopefully score a jar of lemon curd...)
- The Wednesday Chef

And some old favs found new again:

Digital Blasphemy - Ryan Bliss shows off his stunning pieces of digital art. Some freebies do exist, but you have to be a member to see it all.

DecalGirl - skins for all of your electronics. From what I can see, her product is reasonably priced and good quality. I've yet to try it, but besides whipping out the credit card, I only have one device to skin, and her gallery makes that hard to narrow down to one choice!

Well, that's me for the night. Good night, and I shall try to have something more out later.

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