Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Injured :-(

I injured my right wrist at the beginning of March at work. I should point out here that I am right handed. Luckily, it is neither broken nor dislocated, but other than it being a generic "soft tissue injury", I have no idea what is wrong with it. It has been over a month now.

At first, believing it would be an injury quickly recovered from, my boss and I attempted to find work I can do, and when that ran out, I tried to resume my usual duties of data entry. Unfortunately, that aggravated the injury, and so I have been off work since. Queue massive amounts of boredom and depression, and large quantities of paperwork to be filed for the leave.

I'm going stir-crazy at home, only able to watch TV and follow my limited number of facebook friends. Reading books gets sore quickly, as I cannot seem to comfortably adapt to holding a book and turning it's pages one-handed. I'm getting better at writing, typing and mousing with my wrong hand, but it tires quickly. And my right just keeps floating up to the keyboard, wanting to get back into old habits. So even time on the computer has be limited.

I am truly thankful to my wonderful parents who have been visiting to drive me places, clean for me, cut up veggies and cheese into "finger food", and stock my freezer with frozen meals.

I've been avoiding posting any entries up to now, for fear I would want to keep at it, and I simply can't make that kind of typing commitment. But I've been wanting to update my page, and so I've compromised to making just this one post until I am able to handle more typing.