Wednesday, August 8, 2012

It's been how long?!?

Whoopsie... Guess what hasn't been on my mind lately? I do apologize for the complete lack of content. I've not fallen off the face of the earth, despite appearances (or lack of appearances on this blog, if you wish).

The quickest of updates:

My wrist injury did heal, at least to the point where it no longer completely hinders my ability to type, write, eat, groom myself, et ceteras, and was declared healed. It does, however, start to go numb after a few minutes of any such activity, and I find myself often having to look at my hand, and clearly tell myself that I am still holding an item despite the fact it doesn't feel like it, and to remind myself that my hand has the strength to keep holding it.

I find it annoying, bothersome, worrisome, and overall an unhappy leftover of that damn accident. But yet, in typical blinder-wearing fashion, I've not forced myself to find the time to be doing my exercises, or to go see a doctor about the continued numbness. I should get on that...

Of course, the car accident didn't help.

I was rear-ended after I came to a sudden stop to avoid rear-ending the people in front of me who came to a complete stop on the Queensway (the 2-3 lane divided highway with a posted speed limit of 100 km/h that runs through the Nation's Capital). Typically, one does not stop on the Queensway. It's a highway that you merge on and off of, never stop on. Anyways, a minivan rear ending my little Echo hatchback wrote off my car, and found my passenger and me in physiotherapy. That was at the end of October, last year. I'm only just finished physio last month.

Of course, we won't mention needing two stitches in my thumb a month after that accident due to a slip of a knife when I was trying to cut some foam... That was a nice doctor at emergency; even remembered me from the month before. It's not a good thing when emergency doctors look askance at you and say, "you look familiar", is it?

There have been good things to come of all this. I've gotten a new car (the old one was a write-off when the entire frame twisted), and with the bit of extra cash, I'll be travelling to the UK for the first time ever. I'm so excited!!

So, I've been a tad busy, between all the healing, and vacation planning, and in general feeling a revived joie de vie. I've spent time visiting family and helping my parents with some house projects. I even started a hiking club, though we've all not had much time for that this year, me especially. Despite all of that, I could have, and should have, found time to write. I'm sorry. I am considering another revamp of the site, and I suppose that did not help encourage me. I shall try harder, even if I'm just posting links for a bit.