Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Sites that caught my eye recently...

I've gone through a down slump lately. Ucky weather + SAD + coming off effective/ineffective drugs + a cold = unhappy, to say the least. It's finally starting to ease, and I'm trying to re-focus my attentions to everything that got put on pause.

In order to try to incorporate this into a habit, I feel the need to post something, anything. Half an hour after I should be in bed is not the ideal time for a great post. So, in the meantime, some random sites I've come across lately and have been added to my "To Read" list.

First off: Sarah Hoffman , who wrote the essay "My son, the pink boy"

It is an awesome article that really opens up your eyes about parenting children who are different. She also mentions "My Son is Gay", which is also worth the read.

Next would be http://www.allmotivated.com/. I'm a fan of ICanHasCheezburger and this just seemed to expand on the idea of interesting photos with interesting captions.

Interesting cooking blogs that have caught my attention (besides my two long time favourites, Simply Recipes and 101 Cookbooks) have been:

- Tea & Cookies
- My Kitchen is Too Small (admittedly a start up by my friends, but I'm drooling. And pimping out my cheese-sauce making abilities to hopefully score a jar of lemon curd...)
- The Wednesday Chef

And some old favs found new again:

Digital Blasphemy - Ryan Bliss shows off his stunning pieces of digital art. Some freebies do exist, but you have to be a member to see it all.

DecalGirl - skins for all of your electronics. From what I can see, her product is reasonably priced and good quality. I've yet to try it, but besides whipping out the credit card, I only have one device to skin, and her gallery makes that hard to narrow down to one choice!

Well, that's me for the night. Good night, and I shall try to have something more out later.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

My Introduction

Better late then never, eh? Well, to be fair, this was orginally my "About Me" blurb, but I found it too long and off-putting for that section. But not that I didn't want it said. So here it is, though since I'm giving myself more room, well, I've expanded.

Hi, I'm Karen. I don't live a remarkable life, and years of low self-esteem and battling depression left me often wondering what there is about me that others like. I'm finally starting to emerge. By that, I mean, "me", who was buried so deep down in my consciousness that I wondered if there was anything about me worth knowing, has finally been able to escape her shackles and came far enough out to say hi, pleased to meet you. And so begun an internal journey of self-discovery as I start to learn about myself.

A few things happened, almost all at once, and have ended up coalescing to form this blog.

I have MCS, which stands for Multiple Chemical Sensitivity. It's a term I've only recently learned. For years, I've lived with it known as a "perfume allergy". A change in job led me to learn more about this. It's actually a known disability, as it falls under Environmental Sensitivities. And while I always thought worst-case scenario was house-bound, turns out it could be having no one believe you and you end up jobless and homeless, with an arm's length list of symptoms that most doctors can't put together, and at best, misdiagnose you and put you on drugs that can harm you if you don't actually have that disease. Oh, joy. And so begins my journey to learn more about this, to find specialists, and find a means to live with it. Heck, maybe even find a husband willing to live with it, live in a home that won't poison me, and have children who won't disrespect it. Ah, dreams...

Last year, I took on my own little campaign to "fix me". It started innocently enough; I was helping a friend move a cabinet that really, I had no rights to think I could do. It fell and smacked me in the head. (I've heard of the universe slapping you upside the head when you get off your life path, but really, this was a bit much...). Well, that got me a concussion, a compression injury to the neck, and whiplash. Yes, all at once. I found myself doing regular chiropractor and massage, and decided, well, heck, while I'm at it, I might as well heal other things in myself too. And so, I've begun to explore what it is that makes me tick, and either embrace it if it's good or get it out of my life if it's bad. This begun with quitting smoking, and then, attempting to eat healthier, and exercise more. Turns out, my MCS may help guide me on a better path of that, and being on a better path may help ease my MCS...

You know how they say you can trust a fat cook? That obviously, they know good food? Well, this is one fat girl who ensures she has the phone handy in case of self-inflicted food poisoning. Ironically, I've been regularly following 2 cooking blogs for years. I've got a few recipes down, but the kitchen is still a place that leaves me confused, concerned, and amazed... But the budget, the waistline, my health, and sodium-induced swelling in my feet have caused me to realize I need to cook most of my meals and not rely on chemical-heavy pre-processed food.

As I start to learn more about myself, and try to research things on the Internet, I've found myself enjoying the Internet. I mean, the days of ICQ and dial-up and BBS's started in my teens. But while friends started swooning over the thing, I sat back and wondered what was so exciting about it. Ok, yah, it had it's uses. And it was cool to see it. But really, who wants to know so much? That was half a lifetime ago. Since then, I spent a few years in the call centre industry helping people get their connections back so they could go online. Other than it having it's uses, it still seemed little more than a glorified mall where girls could shop, men could find themselves porn in yet another method, sports and news could be followed in another form, and people could now see their bank balance other than having it disjointedly chimed off in your ear. And then something just fell into place in me, and now, now I have a favourites list that is long, and growing, as I find yet another thing I want to know more about.

And finally, as I follow more and more blogs, I found myself wanting to create one for myself. After a failed attempt, I went back to the drawing board, and asked: What are blogs? They are personal places where a person shares what they are passionate about. In the past, I've never considered myself truly passionate about any one subject, and my interests vary with my mood. And I also didn't think I was worth knowing. So, I decided that I needed to embrace an ego and simply put it out there what is I find interesting. That I would find ME in the balance between low self-esteem and narcissism.

So, I don't plan for this to be a cooking blog, or a blog about MCS, or a blog about other neat things happening on the web. Instead of picking one subject, I'm going to use this as a place to share all the little bits of things I've learned in over 15 years of customer service, of being the "non-techie tech" computer geek, of the craft work I enjoy, of the books I read and shows I watch, interesting websites I find, blogs I follow, and to share my story of introducing healthier living options, and of my ongoing fight against MCS. As well as anything else that grabs my interest along the way. And while you get to know me, or at least find a few useful things, I'm going to learn what makes me tick, and what makes me worth knowing.

Welcome to my life.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

These boots were made for walking...

Last night I reached my first swimming goal: swim 20 laps. Any style, breathers as needed, just get 'er done. Well, my limbs all went to this quivering jelly that was still capable of movement, though it was so lacking in strength only my fat was keeping me afloat, and I certainly had little propulsion through the water.

It felt wonderful.

There are still a few un-named stepping stones until my next major goal: swim 24 laps in concession, no breaks, and under 20 minutes. We'll get there. (By "we" I mean all my body parts working in agreeance with my will...) The body is finally remembering how to coordinate all it's parts so I don't eye up the lifeguards to determine if they're skilled and strong enough to rescue me... Well, ok, I may still eye them up, but now it's not to be certain that my life will be saved should my limbs give out on me, my lungs open up for a gasp of breath while my head is still under water, and I sink to the bottom of the pool in a gurgling mess...

Today, I strapped on my new winter boots, and walked to work. And if my muscles weren't so worn out, and the top lacing needing a bit of adjusting, my feet and ankles and legs were almost disappointed I had reached work, as if more walking was not out of the question. A far cry from even a few days ago; my old winter boots had me trudging through the snow, causing so much fatigue and pain that after the third block everything below the knee was screaming in protest and whimpering for the end of their punishment.

The total walk is a whopping five blocks.

I've been doing that walk for quite a few months now, so being in shape or not has nothing to do with it. The old boots, an ill-fitting hand-me-down from my mother because I had no money to buy new boots, were killing my legs. My new ones are Salomon Nytro GTX, what looks to be a black hiking boot given a goretex layer, a winter lining and cleats that demanded - and got - total submission from ice and slippery frozen slush. Ahh....

I find it a struggle to exercise. Yes, it's a great help for those with depression, but really, some days is a struggle just to get out of bed, let alone into some ill-fitting or uncomfortable clothing and drag my butt outside, especially if it's anything other than a beautiful sun-shiny, bug free, not too cold, not too hot day. Yes, I'm picky. Tell me something I don't know.

But these new boots... They were actually a joy to walk in. I was encouraged to buy new boots as last week I found myself twice thinking it was a lovely evening for a walk, but my boots wouldn't let me get around the block without issues. And now, with Winterlude here, I'm looking forward to going out and seeing the sculptures. I particularly enjoy seeing the ice sculptures at night time with the lights shining through the ice. I've avoided going in the past due to not having warm enough clothing, or being afraid to slip in the snow or ice. (Bad knees and ankles from various injuries over the years and a concussion last year has made me cautious, perhaps a wee bit too cautious at times.)

It's a wonderful feeling to get over that slump of forcing yourself to exercise to actually enjoying adding activity to your day or week.