Sunday, May 1, 2011


It has been awhile, but finally I have a truly positive update. My wrist is on the mend!

Finally diagnosed as a level 2 sprain, I was able to begin physiotherapy. While I still have internal swelling, all except one appointment has been about pain management. I'm hoping this week sees more healing therapy. I've been told I am to start using it a moderate amount as I'm now at risk of muscle apathy, and I'm finding it gets very sore and tired very quickly. It's apparently good pain, and not at risk of further being further injury, but it still hurts.

I tend to organize myself by writing things down, often in lists. (I even currently have a list of the different lists I wish to organize, having found all these partial lists laying about. But that's a whole other story...) I also like to write down my thoughts, either electronically or in a journal. Nevermind trying to keep track of all the paperwork, doctor's visits, etc, etc that is related to this injury. Not having been able to do any of this has caused me no small amount of mental discomfort. It's disheartening to still be without full use of my hand.

When at work I see the stacks of low priority work piling up, and I'm just itching to be able to plug in the music and just start plowing through it. (Data entry is so much better with MP3 players!) My absence has caused my share of work to be added to the desks of the my coworkers, and I feel awful for it. So many of my duties are on the current forbidden list, so even my time at work doesn't seem to be enough to really relieve them.

With the warm weather approaching, and my hand slowly getting better, I'm looking forward to so many things. Getting some spring cleaning done, getting my balcony ready for some summer time relaxing, and cooking up meals. I can't wait, though I have to.

And now, to go ice my wrist again. This post has found me at the end of my limit, and that's despite taking breaks... Soon... Full recovery should be soon, I hope.

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